Offshore Rig Cleaning Services
Horizon Marine offers reliable and efficient world class, worldwide cleaning services solutions to the offshore Oil and Gas industry.
Rig Cleaning
When you rig out, you know your rig must be clean before you can move it to the next site.
Whether you just need a mud tank cleaned or an entire rig, Horizon Marine is on call and ready to handle the dirtiest cleaning jobs.
We provide reliable service with an eye for high productivity to ensure your rig is completely cleaned and ready to go quickly. Supported by deep resources, we can also bring in hot water and vacuum trucks.We ensure that your rig process equipment, mud tanks and pits are cleaned and decontaminated safely and efficiently and in full accordance with environmental regulations.
Explore our offshore cleaning solutions
Hydrocarbon Waste Recovery Services
We offer hydrocarbon waste removal service both offshore and onshore in Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville and throughout Central Africa

Hydrocarbon waste includes liquids, soils and sludges contaminated by a wide range of hydrocarbon contaminants, such as lubricating oils, bunker and diesel fuels.
Horizon Marine offers hydrocarbon cleaning and decontamination services. Our highly trained and experienced team can safely collect, treat and recycle your hydrocarbon waste waste at one of our licensed waste treatment facilities.
We collect both solid and liquid waste contaminated with hydrocarbon waste for treatment. A waste manifest identifying the product and quantity will be created before the product leaves site with required EPA documentation.

Oil Waste
Oil may be volatile or non-volatile, so it needs to be collected, transported and treated with care. Oils discharged directly to a sewer can pollute the environment and waterways so it need to be disposed of appropriately.
Horizon Marine highly trained and experienced team can safely collect, treat and correctly dispose your oil waste at one of our licensed liquid waste treatment facilities. The liquid waste is transported to a liquid recovery and treatment facility. If the type of liquid is fuel, oil coolant, hydraulic fluid, oily water or something similar, they will have to go through an initial testing process.

Drilling Cleaning Services
We offer complete mud system cleaning for drilling applications, handling items such as active and reserve pits, frac tanks, shakers, ditches and sand traps. We also offer riser cleaning and preservation both onshore and offshore.
The varied drilling cleaning services we provide include:
- Offshore descaling and cleaning of tubes
- Cleaning of drill pipes and cases
- Unblocking, descaling and cleaning of crude oil heaters amongst many others
- Active & Reserve Pits
- Flex-lancing up to 20k psi
- Riser Cleaning & Preparations

Production Cleaning
Horizon Marine provides a wide range of production cleaning services, including standard tank and vessel cleaning, in which we remove all sands and solids and take care of all internal equipment. Other cleaning services include tank and vessel steam degassing, chemical tank cleaning and tube bundle cleaning. We are also pleased to offer support for ISIP inspections, as well as for confined space management and rescue.
All work is performed by licensed Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) contractors, so you can be certain the job will be done safely and correctly.
The varied production cleaning services we provide include:
Tank & Vessel Cleaning
Steam Degassing: Hot-Work Preparation, Paraffin Removal
ISIP Inspection Preparation
Confined Space Management & Rescue
Licensed NORM Contractor
Offshore Specialised Cleaning Services
We have the capability to provide innovative, Technology and techniques combined with approved procedures to carry out specialized cleaning